Hair Perming

We undertake a range of Perming styles.

We can Perm your hair with a tighter curl leaving you to simply wash your hair and dry it naturally for natural curly finish.
For a softer Perm to achieve more volume in your hair, we can Perm your hair with a looser curl, which has the added advantage of making blow drying your hair easier.

There are two types of Perm Lotions:

Alkaline - which is generally the most popular perm lotion used.
This type of Perm lotion is available in different strengths dependant on your hair type (ie, coloured, naturally coloured or resistant).

Acid - A softer lotion
Acid Perm lotions are generally used for more fragile hair types, some pre-coloured hair or for people with sensitive scalps.

We will test a sample of your hair to ascertain which type you have to ensure the correct Perm lotion is used to suite your hair.